
Contest Rules

We each picked 4 players who were still in the game at the time of choosing.  We will get points for achievements throughout the remainder of the season and whoever has the most points at the end of the season wins.
If you are a listener of the show and want to participate, we have a contest for you this season!  Pick your top 4 plus 2 alternates and email with your list.  You will be entered to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card at the end of the season.  


 1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice4th ChoiceTotal
FattyAdamBenRobJeremy 75
AdamSarahTonyBenRob 320
SamSophieJeremyKimYul 65
DanielDeniseBenMichelleYul 235
ChrisNickBenRobTony 320